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13 December 2022

Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury selects Law Training Centre as preferred provider of Notarial Academic Training Course

Law Training Centre is delighted to announce we have been selected by The Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury (FOAC) as the preferred provider of the Notarial Academic Training Course. The course is now open for enrolment and we provide the modules for the academic stage of training for notaries in England and Wales (the second stage, Notarial Practice Course, is delivered by UCL).

Law Training Centre’s Notarial Academic Training Course has been created by legal and academic experts and is tailored to the very specific requirements of notaries. The course is split into five core modules and three professional modules, each of which can be purchased individually. They include a comprehensive preparation course and assessment.

Dino Dullabh, Co-founder and Director at Law Training Centre commented, “We are honoured that the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury selected Law Training Centre to provide these historic and highly respected notarial qualifications.”

“The notary is an exclusive role and requires a bespoke approach to creating a course for those aspiring to join the notarial profession. As the only law school in the world to offer all the major routes to qualifying as a recognised lawyer in England and Wales, combined with the flexibility of affordable and fully online delivery, Law Training Centre provides a truly unique service to legal professionals. Our new offering means that the sky is the limit for anyone who aspires to join one of the most respected professions in the world.”

Howard Dellar, Registrar of the Faculty Office, said “We are grateful to Law Training Centre for all their work in putting together a course which is flexible, at the appropriate level, and affordable, to enable new notaries to come through and discharge the important work of the profession.”

For more information on our notarial qualifications, please visit our Notarial Academic Training Course page. You can request an enrolment form from our website, or if you have any questions, please get in touch with our friendly Student Services Team on +44 (0)330 088 8495 or email [email protected].

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