Law Training Centre is celebrating the success of our first learners to sit the Notarial Academic Training Course exam.
Roman Egorov and Marta Maldonado Prados joined the course when it was launched in the autumn last year and passed within just two months of starting – a remarkable achievement.
Steven Murray, Law Training Centre’s Notarial Academic Training Course Tutor, was thrilled for Roman and Marta: “It was wonderful news to hear. They absolutely smashed it – not only passing it with flying colours, but so quickly too. This is not an easy exam – candidates have to know the law inside out – it is a challenging professional test of core knowledge and they have just two minutes per question. I wish everyone currently studying the course all the best with their studies and may this success continue.”
Roman said: “I found the course to be very interesting. It covers the relevant areas of the law and focuses a significant amount of time and material on learning cases and legislation (including relevant sections). I feel extremely happy about passing, especially given the timeframe I decided upon.”
Marta said: “I was happy when I found out about this course. Studying online is a perfect option for me due my full-time office-based work with Saville & Co. Scrivener Notaries. However, I did not know what to expect from a course of this difficulty without being able to go to physical lessons and meet the teachers. I am so grateful to all tutors and staff working at Law Training Centre, who have shown support and guidance since the very beginning. They have always been available to help with anything that I didn’t understand from the provided materials. I was impressed at how quickly tutors replied to me. Besides the tutors, another confidence builder were the quizzes to check how prepared you are before taking the actual exam. These were very useful.”
She continued: “Flexibility was the best thing for me. It has been engaging and challenging and I am so pleased that I have achieved 75% on my first exam. The Online Proctored Exam is a very convenient option to do exams from home. The instructions about how to prepare your computer and room for the day of the exam are clear and easy and the team are happy to guide you and answer any questions you might have about this.”
Law Training Centre was appointed by the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s (FOAC) in 2022 as the preferred supplier to develop and assess this important element of Notary training. In consultation with the FOAC, Law Training Centre undertook the remit to modernise the way the new course would be studied and assessed bringing greater consistency, whilst increasing flexibility and accessibility with the online offering. The second stage of qualifying (the Notarial Practice Course) is delivered by UCL.
Dino Dullabh, Co-Founder of Law Training Centre, commented: “The Law Training Centre team is proud to be the only provider approved by the Faculty of the Archbishop of Canterbury to deliver and assess the Notarial Academic Training Course and to already have learners coming through with the positive outcomes they require on their journey to qualifying in this prestigious profession.”
To find out more about the notarial profession and how you could learn with us, visit our website.
Law Training Centre’s unique flexibility through our online learning platform which has all course materials available when you want them, rather than waiting for specific sessions, as well as responsive tutor support, means you can complete the course at your own pace, whether that be full time or part time. The time needed will vary based on the learner’s knowledge, experience and time available to study.