If you’re studying law, whether that be at university or doing an online course, exam season can come with a lot of stress. You’ve likely got lots of doubts running through your mind, but it’s important to tackle stress head-on and use it to guide you through your assessments so that you can achieve the best mark possible.
The first thing to note about tackling the stress you feel during your law exams is to tackle the stress that precedes them. Very often, exam nerves don’t pounce on us from thin air; they’ve been lurking throughout the revision period.
So even if you feel you’re bearing up, take a moment to see if you can feel stress in your body. Sometimes we don’t notice the ill-effects of pressure until we press the pause button. Stress may be taking its toll already and you just haven’t noticed it.
Symptoms of stress include:
- Poor motivation
- Feeling grumpy
- Low energy; changes to eating habits
- Insomnia or disrupted sleep
- Wanting to remain in bed
- Being aloof with friends
- Losing interest in hobbies and interests
- Stomach problems; aches and pains.
Before your exams
To try and reduce stress, it’s important to take steps not only during exam season but also before. It’s likely that as you get closer to the exam date your stress symptoms will increase, but we can reduce this stress by actively working to look after our bodies and minds.
Looking after our bodies can make a huge difference to our stress levels, and this includes eating well and exercising. Try to avoid sugary processed foods that create temporary energy spikes followed by a “crash”. Aim for a balanced diet instead. This should include:
- Lean proteins such as chicken, ham, beef, tofu, mycoproteins/imitation meat, eggs, low fat cheese, all types of beans, and pulses such as lentils.
- Carbohydrates that release their sugars slowly – no instant hits. For example, oats, rice and root vegetables.
- Fruits and salads.
It’s also important to consider mindfulness and taking care of your mental health in the run up to exams. This can look different for everyone. Whether it’s taking a break from studying to go for a long walk and switch off or meeting up with friends for a coffee and a chat, doing something to take care of your mind is vital not only to reducing stress, but also to give yourself time out from your studies so that revision doesn’t become all-consuming.
The importance of rest
In the lead up to exams and during them, you might feel pressure to study continuously and leave very little time for rest, however, rest is important to achieving success!
Synchronise your body clock to the examination timetable – don’t do morning exams feeling that you haven’t allowed yourself enough time to wake up properly. Ensuring you have a positive sleep pattern and you are getting enough sleep each night will not only help you feel better during the day, but will also ensure you are rested enough to fully concentrate on your revision and exams.
Rest isn’t just about sleep. If you want to succeed, it’s important that you also give yourself ample breaks throughout your revision sessions to allow your brain and body to relax. At intervals throughout the day, practise deep breathing. This is a great way to focus on mindfulness, even if it’s only for a few minutes at a time, and reduce stress.
It’s also important to schedule in longer breaks, allowing your mind to move away from your studies. This could be anything from taking a 30 minute break from revision to watch an episode of your favourite TV show to meeting with a friend for a couple of hours of exercise after a heavy revision session.
Preparation is key
Stress can also come from feeling you’re unprepared. If you’re ill-prepared, be prepared for the consequences – use your practice papers so that you’re familiar with the exam formats and what will be required of you. It removes some uncertainty if you know these things. Work out which issues have re-occurred in previous examinations (and hence which cases and law are commonly applied). Once revised, decisively tick revision topics off the list. It may help you feel in charge.
However, sometimes we can feel unprepared even when we’ve done lots of revision. If you’ve been preparing properly in the lead up to exams, it’s important to remind yourself that you’ve done your best and you are as prepared as you can be. Although this is easier said than done, reminding yourself of this daily and trying to think positively can be a huge factor in reducing stress.
Other things that may help soothe pre-exam-day stress include:
- Dancing – there’s little better than moving to music to connect your mind with your body, move you away from pre-occupations and for connecting you with the “here and now”. Choose a song that’s uplifting or about personal strength. Humming loudly is another way of quickly connecting body to mind and “pushing out” negative thoughts
- Watch a cheery film or programme that will take your mind off of your exams
- Take a relaxing shower or bath
- Meet with friends. Share with them that you’re stressed but don’t just seek the company of those who are reacting similarly. You need perspective
- Remember: you are more than your exam results. Knowing this will get you better results.
On the day of the exam
- Have a shower, have a sing, do some exercises… anything to wake up your mind and body.
- Munch on filling, healthy food and avoid anything that’s sugary, fatty and potentially stomach-upsetting… eat a hearty breakfast. Pack healthy snacks to eat between exams.
- Make sure you’re hydrated. If not, it may affect your concentration… drink water.
- Put on clothes that are appropriate for the temperature of the day… dress in a way that makes you feel good.
- At breakfast, do a crossword puzzle, read a blog… fire up your brain.
- If you go to an exam centre… allow enough time; don’t arrive in a panic.
- If, during the exam, nerves get the better of you… breathe deep and grip the sides of the desk… concentrate for a moment on those physical sensations and not what’s inside your head.
After the exam
Sometimes stress can actually feel worse after an exam as we can overthink the questions, our answers and the conversations we’ve had with others about their assessment experience.
Avoid endlessly trying to find out how other people felt they did in the exams. They can’t be objective. All you’re doing is trying to measure yourself against what is currently immeasurable; it’s a negative opportunity to sew the needs of further stress and undermine yourself – all in the guise of “exam post-mortem”. Don’t be tempted.
It’s also important to treat yourself! You made it through the exam – congratulations! Celebrate with those that make you feel good and do something positive to take your mind off of the exam and your results.
Above all…
If your stress becomes uncomfortable or if at any time you are worried about your mental health, remember you are not alone. Share with a friend, a family member, a tutor or someone you trust.
From all of us at the Law Training Centre, good luck for your exams!